One impact of the plastic bag waste I thought was interesting and hadn't thought about before is that plastic bags are made up of oil. I never took the time to think about how they were actually made and only makes up 4% of the natural gas and oil, which is a small percentage amount but still is a lot of oil. Instead of creating more plastic bags, we should reuse them because plastic bags take years to break down, about 400 to 1,000 years. The United States estimates to throw out roughly 100 billion plastic bags. Companies and stores are changing their kind of plastic bags customers are receiving while shopping is a promising way the use of plastic bags could go down. Personally, we should handle the plastic bag waste by not producing anymore plastic bags but instead the plastic bag company should find a way to reuse the plastic bags that were already created. By doing that customers of the bags need to be responsible and throw them in the right garbage. On the other hand, the environment is full of plastic bags and a solution to fix that problem is to create a clean up program and groups to clean up our communities. The plastic bag waste is a combination of national, global, and local problem and needs everyone to do their part to clean up the Earth. From a manufacturer point of view, plastic bags are misunderstood, yes, they take longer to be broken down but customers use other types of plastics that harms the environment as well. In conclusion, once the environment starts to be cleaned up and people have to start to realize the causes certain things it has to the environment.
The process to process ground beef or just the production of meat has a negative impact to the environment for multiple of reasons. Deforestation for agriculture is in South America, but since raising meat takes large quantities of feed, the Midwest is losing its native prairies and grasslands for farming. Which leads to another negative impact of the environment, changing the fields to agriculture fields releases carbon pollution into the air. The production of meat affects climate change when the manure decomposes it releases emissions including methane, ammonia, and carbon dioxide into the environment. The crop fields are treated with toxic chemicals and fertilizers with a higher quantity than the farmers use on plants letting all the excess to go into the surrounding waterways. One action that can be taken at a global scale to reduce the environmental impact associated with the production of meat is to reduce enteric methane emissions. By using an enteric methane inhibitor tha...
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